
Self-Selected Course Project - Project Report

Report Due: Dec 08, 11:59PM, (submitted via D2L)
Points: 25

Report Format

The project report will be graded for technical content, completeness of the design report, and professional writing. The report should provide enough detail such that an engineer with appropriate background can re-implement your design based on the information within the report itself. The following provides more detail regarding the format for the report and the various contents that should be included.

Cover/Title Page:

The cover/title page includes the title of your project, the names of all team members, and the date the report was finalized.

Table of Contents:

The table of contents includes a list of the various sections of your report and provides the page number on which each section starts.


  1. Provide a concise description of your project design, motivation for the design, and a discussion of the usefulness or effective


  1. Provide context and define the project that is being built, or problem that was solved within the project
  2. Discuss any prerequisites or assumption for the design that should be known to understand the context in which the design was built
  3. Discuss alternative solutions (previous work) to solving the problem or similar existing design and the benefits or your design compared to these alternative solutions

Technical Discussion and Details:

Presents the design itself and all details relevant to implementing the design. This section provides a detailed technical description of the entire design including hardware design, software design, assembly instructions, testing procedures, etc.

  1. Design Details:
    1. Description of the hardware and software explaining in detail how the design works.
    2. It is strongly suggested to provide an overview of the design identifying major subcomponent, discuss how those subcomponents are connected together, and subsequently provide detailed description of the each subcomponent
    3. You should include figures for block diagrams, small circuit schematics, flow charts, etc.
    4. Should reference detailed schematics and software code listing in appendices where appropriate
  2. Design Verification and Testing
    1. Describe the testing procedures undertaken to verify the design functionality and effectiveness
    2. May also require quantitative analysis and data to support the testing and verification
  3. Discussion of Problems Encountered
    1. The purpose of this section is to assist other engineers to avoid encountering the same problems and to provide solutions is similar problems are encountered or unavoidable
    2. Detailed discussion of any problems encountered during the implementation of your design
    3. Discussions of solutions utilized too overcome and solve these problems


  1. Provides a brief summary of your design and evaluates how well your design achieved the proposed design goals/requirements. Specifically, we you able to meet the design goals/requirements set forth within your proposal.
  2. If the design goals were not met, provides some analysis and discussion as to why


The appendices of the project report should be to include detailed information that is too large to include directly within the proposal text. Each appendix should be referenced within the report itself where appropriate. The following provide the required appendices for your project report. Additionally appendices can be included if needed.

  1. Circuit Diagram:
    1. You must include circuit diagram for all circuit constructed within each project.
    2. Add comments about special shielding or connections not shown in the drawing (hidden pins) if you used that.
    3. The circuit description and functionality of your circuit should be described in the Technical Discussion and Details sections.
  2. Complete Parts Lists:
    1. Circuit diagram should be accompanied by a complete parts list with part numbers, cost, and suppliers.
  3. Software Listing:
    1. You must include a listing of any software program developed for each project.
    2. Try to follow the guidelines discussed in class about documenting your code
  4. Project Proposal:
    1. Your project proposal should be included as an appendix in your report.

Report Example

This Project Report Example is an example of very good project report for an ECE 372 project. However, please note that this report is from a previous offering of ECE 372 and does adhere to current report format requirements. The following provides some suggestion on how one could modify this report to meet the current report requirements and make some suggestions on how to further improve the report.

What is excellent about the Example Report?

  1. The example report provides an excellent description of the problems encountered with the accompanying discussion of the solution to each problem. The description is very thorough, well formatted, and provides sufficient detail.
  2. The software description is very well written, providing an overview of the systems and subsequently providing the detail for each of the lower level subcomponents.

Suggested Improvements

  1. A cover/title page is necessary for your proposal.
  2. The proposal is currently missing an introduction.
  3. Several sections of the proposal should be included as an appendix. Specifically, the software code listing and pictures of the project assembly should be included in their own appendix.
  4. The description of the hardware overview does not provide a high-level block diagram of the design. Instead, the report immediately includes a discussion of the several high-level components without any general context. An overview of the entire systems with an accompany figure would be beneficial.
  5. Section and appendices should be individually labeled and numbered.