
Self-Selected Course Project

Project Overview

Within the source project, students will work in groups to propose and implement a self-guided project utilizing the PIC24F microcontroller. The specific projects implemented within this project are open ended within only a few specific requirements. Students are encouraged to thunk of creative, unique, new, and useful projects. A good starting point for defining a project to identify a small embedded device that they would personally find useful or think others would be interested in buying if made publicly available.

Specific Project Requirements

The following is a brief list of specific requirements for the course project. Any exceptions from these requirements must be explictly approved by the instructor.

  1. All projects must utilize at least one ''NEW' external component/sensor that will interface with the PIC24F microcontroller. This component/sensor must not have been utilized within any of the scheduled lab assignments.
  2. All projects must utilize interrupts (no busy waiting allowed).
  3. All project must utilize at least two internal components of the PIC24F (e.g. Timers, UART, ADC, I2C, SPI, PWM).

Project Schedule

Description Due Points
Project Abstract Oct 18 5
Project Proposal and Presentations Nov 1 (submitted via D2L), In Lecture Presentation (T Nov 2 and R Nov 4) 10
Mid-Project Demo Week 13 (Nov 15 - Nov 19) 50
Final Project Demo M Dec 06, 4PM EXTENDED 150
Final Project Presentation and Design Contest Dec 07 10
Project Report Dec 08 (submitted via D2L) 25