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  • Refereed Journals and Transactions
    • Liu, J., and Jin J., 2013, “Diagnosing Multistage Manufacturing Processes with Engineering-Driven Factor Analysis Considering Sampling Uncertainty,” ASME Transactions on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 135(4), 0410201-0410209. (Link)
    • Khaleghi, A.M., Xu, D., Wang, Z., Li, M., Lobos, A., Liu, J., and Son, Y.J., 2013, “A DDDAMS-based Planning and Control Framework for Surveillance and Crowd Control via UAVs and UGVs,” Expert Systems with Applications, 40, 7168 - 7183. (Link)
    • Abellan-Nebot, J.V. and Liu, J., 2013, “Variation Propagation Modeling for Multi-station Machining Processes with Fixtures based on Locating Surfaces”, International Journal of Production Research, 51(15), 4667-4681. (Link)
    • Abellan-Nebot, J.V., and Liu, J., 2013, “Process-Oriented Tolerancing using the Extended Stream of Variation Model,” Computers in Industry, 64, 485 - 498. (Link)
    • Li, M., Hu, Q., and Liu, J., 2013, “Proportional Hazard Modeling for Hierarchical Systems with Multi-level Information Aggregation,” IIE Transactions, In Press. (Link)
    • Wang, Z., Dessureault, S, and Liu, J., 2012, “Quality Driven Workforce Performance Evaluation Based on Robust Regression and ANOMR/ANOMRV Chart,IIE Transactions, 45, 644-657. (Link)
    • Abellan-Nebot, J.V., Liu, J., Subiron, F.R., and Shi, J., 2012, “State Space Modeling of Variation Propagation in Multistation Machining Processes Considering Machining-Induced Variations”, ASME Transactions on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134, 021002. (Link)
    • Abellan-Nebot, J.V., Liu, J., and Subiron, F.R., 2012, “Quality prediction and compensation in multi-station machining processes using sensor-based fixtures”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 28(2), 208-219. (Link)
    • Abellan-Nebot, J.V., Liu, J., and Subiron, F.R., 2011, “Design of Multi-Station Manufacturing Processes by Integrating the Stream-of-Variation Model and Shop-Floor Data”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 30, 70-82. (Link)
    • Zhong, J., Liu, J., and Shi, J., 2010, “Predictive control considering model uncertainty for variation reduction in multistage assembly processes,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7(4), 724-735. (Link)
    • Liu, J., 2010, “Variation Reduction for Multistage Manufacturing Processes: A Comparison Survey of Statistical-Process-Control vs. Stream-of-Variation Methodologies”, Quality and Reliability International, 26 (7), 645-661.(Link)
    • Liu, J., Jin, J., and Shi, J., 2010, “State Space Modeling for 3-D Variation Propagation in Rigid-Body Multistage Assembly Processes”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7 (2), 274-290. (Link)
    • Liu, J., Shi, J., and Hu, S.J., 2009, “Quality Assured Setup Planning Based on the Stream Of Variation Model for Multi-Stage Machining Processes,” IIE Transactions, Quality and Reliability Engineering, 41, 323-334. (Link)
    • Liu, J., Shi, J., and Hu, S.J., 2008, “Engineering-driven factor analysis for variation source identification in multistage manufacturing processes,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 130 (4), p. 0410091-04100910. (Link)
    • Liu, J., Li, J., and Shi, J., 2005, “Engineering Knowledge Driven Cause-Effect Modeling and Statistical Analysis for Multi-Operational Machining Process Diagnosis,” Transactions of NAMRI/SME, Vol. 33, 65-72.


  • Refereed Conference Proceedings
    • Huang, W.J., Fortuno, Z. D., Li, M., Liu, J, Liao, H., Simmons-Potter, K., & Potter, B. G., 2014, “Combined-environment influence on microcrack evolution in mono-crystalline silicon,” Proceedings of SPIE Solar Energy+ Technology, pp. (91790U-91790U). International Society for Optics and Photonics. (Link)
    • Li, M., Chen, H., Zhang, B., Liu, J., Kim, B. U., 2014, “Hazard Regression Modeling for Robotic Performance Prediction,” Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, pp. i1278. (Link)
        • Liu, J., Li, J., Kim, B. U., 2011, “Bayesian Reliability Modeling of Multi-level System with Interdependent Subsystems and Components,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Qingdao, China, pp. 252-257.
        • Kim, B.U., Vohnout, S., Mikkola, E., Li, M., and Liu, J., 2011, "Causal analysis for troubleshooting and decision support system," Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), Montreal, QC, pp.1-7.
        • Abellan-Nebot, J. V., Liu, J., and Romero, F., 2009, “Limitations of the current state space modeling approach in multistage machining processes due to operation variations,” Proceedings of the 3rd Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Alcoy Spain, 1181(1), pp. 231–243.
        • Liu, J., Yip-Hoi, D. M., Wang, W., and Tang L., 2006, “Optimal Part Family and Production Module Planning for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems,” proceedings of 2006 ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI.
        • Liu, J., Shi, J., and Hu, S.J., 2006, “Quality Assured Setup Planning for Multi-Stage Machining Processes,” proceedings of 2006 ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI.


      • Book Chapters
        • Abellan-Nebot, J.V., Liu, J., and Subiron, F.R., 2012, “Stream-of-Variation based quality assurance for multi-station machining processes - modeling and planning,” Chapter 2 of Statistical and Computational Techniques in Manufacturing, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-3-642-25858-9.