Table of Contents

Create Skeleton Plot

The final task performed by the TREES system is creating the skeleton plot. The skeleton plot is a characterization of the width of each tree ring which is further used to cross-date samples. If performed manually, this is a long and error-prone process. The TREES system automates this process to free analysts to perform more meaningful tasks.

[Documentation Note: Skeleton Plot functions are under contruction by software developers. Some functionality in this section may not match the TREES system.]


After completing the 'Measure Rings' task, you may begin the 'Create Skeleton Plot' task. 'Create Skeleton Plot' is initiated by either:

  1. Answering "Yes" to the "Do you wish to continue to generate the skeleton plot?" dialog box upon completing 'Measure Rings'.
  2. Using File -> Open to open a file in which 'Measure Rings' was previously completed and then clicking the 'Create Skeleton Plot' button.

In either case, the following screen results when a skeleton plot is created:

The Ring Measurement and Skeleton Plot display area now includes graphical data representing tree rings found in your sample.

The Ring Measurement and Skeleton Plot display area consists of two (2) sections:

From the Main Screen the user may enable the Skeleton Plot OPTIONS and ATTRIBUTES dialog boxes. The features available within these dialog boxes are normally used for tasks involving system diagnostics and data modification. These functions should be used carefully by experienced analysts. Brief descriptions of the elements of each dialog box follows:

OPTIONS Dialog Box - Used to modify the appearance of the graphical display and add/remove skeleton plot bars.


ATTRIBUTES Dialog Box - Used to add or modify attribute data associated with each tree ring.

Note: Only tree rings which have a skeleton plot bar will display the "Type:" and "Bone Length:" attributes.

You have now completed all of the tasks in the TREES system. When you choose File -> Close or File -> Exit the TREES system will give you the opportunity to save the current session and exit from the TREES system from the following dialog boxes:



Next Section - Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Section - Measure Rings

Last Updated: May 1999
University of Arizona
Questions and Comments:
Digital Image Analysis Laboratory and
Laboratory for Tree Ring Research © 1999