

ECE 274A - Fall 2012

MWF 12-12:50PM, Chemistry 134


Roman Lysecky,
Office: ECE 356F
Office Hours: Mon 3-4pm, Wed 2-3pm, Thur 5-7pm, or by appointment
Office Hours Locations: ECE 232

Teaching Assistants

Jenna Kloosterman,
Office Hours: by appointment
He "Joe" Zhou,
Office Hours: by appointment
Adrian Lizarraga,
Office Hours: by appointment


Required: Digital Design, 2nd edition, Frank Vahid, John Wiley and Sons
Required: Verilog for Digital Design, Frank Vahid, Roman Lysecky, John Wiley and Sons

Laboratory Sections

Section 001 A: M 9:00A - 11:50A, ECE 301
Section 001 B: W 9:00A - 11:50A, ECE 301
Section 001 C: R 2:00P - 4:50P, ECE 301
Section 001 E: R 11:00A - 1:50P, ECE 301
Section 001 F: T 2:00P - 4:50P, ECE 301
Section 001 H: F 2:00P - 4:50P, ECE 301
A total of 5 laboratory assignments will be assigned. Students may choose to work in a group of two, or may choose to work on an individual basis if there is sufficient room in the lab. Graduate students are required to work on an individual basis. Please note that you may need to work outside of the lab section to complete all of your assignments. Each lab assignment (except for Lab 1) will have a pre-lab due at the beginning of the first scheduled day and a code-check due at the beginning of assigned day. Each group must submit their Verilog files for each lab assignment to the designated D2L dropbox by 11:59 PM on the Friday of the week each lab assignment is due.
In addition, students will complete two one-hour lab practicals on an individual basis. Students will be provided with a short problem statement and have one hour to design, test, and submit their solution and the accompanying testbench in the designated D2L drop box. The problem statement will cover the materials from lecture and previous labs. The TAs will monitor the exams but will not answer any questions or help to debug the code. Students may bring any written materials to the exam, but may not use any external or electronic reference materials during the testing period.


Grading for the class will be performed on an individual basis. You will not be competing with the other students for your grade. If all students do well in the class, it is possible everyone will get an A. Your grade is only dependent on the effort you put into the class. Letter grades will be assigned strictly using a 10% scale: 90% and above is correspond to an A, 80% and above to a B, 70% and above to a C, 60% and above to a D, and less than 60% to an E.
The grading will be based on a weighted sum as follows:
65% - Exams (6 total - lowest exam score will be dropped)
20% - Lab Assignments
5% - Lab Practical (2 total)
5% - Homework Assignments (10 total - lowest score will be dropped)
5% - Design Challenges and Participation (Minimum of 10 - lowest score will be dropped)
All grades will be posted on D2L.


A total of 10 homework assignments will be assigned, but you will only need to complete 9 of those homework assignments to receive full credit. All homework assignments will be graded out of 12 points. Each homework assignment will consist of five problems, of which only one problem will be graded in detail. The graded problem will be worth 4 points. For the remaining assigned problems, 2 points will be awarded for any reasonable solution for the problems. In addition, each homework assignment will have one extra credit question worth 1 point. Extra credit questions will be graded on an all or nothing basis, i.e., your solution must be entirely correct to receive the extra credit.
Homework Submission Instructions: Home assignments should be submitted to the ECE 274 mailbox located on the 2nd floor of the ECE building by 3pm on the day the assignment is due. Please be sure to submit your assignment on time.
Solutions to homework assignments will be posted online within a password protected area within two days of the day each homework assignment is due (or shortly thereafter). As such, NO LATE homework assignments will be accepted, but you are welcome to submit them early.

Design Challenges

The design challenges will augment your homework assignments for Chapter 5 and will be due at the beginning of lecture on each posted date. A total of 10 design challenges will be assigned, but you will only need to complete 9 of those design challenges to receive full credit. All design challenges will be graded out of 3 points.
Solutions to the design challenges will be presented in lecture on the day each design challenge is due (or shortly thereafter). As such, NO LATE design challenges will be accepted, but you are welcome to submit them early.


Punctuality: Please arrive on-time to class.
Reading: Please be prepared. Read over the material being covered in lecture before coming to class. For the most part, the lectures will follow the organization of the book. Any planned deviations from this order will be announced beforehand.
Academic Dishonestly: Any academic dishonesty will no be tolerated. Unless otherwise explictly stated by your instructor or teaching assistant, all course work should be done on your own. Please consult the UA Code of Academic Integrity.
Late Assignments: Late assignment will only be accepted in extraordinary circumstances, e.g., medical emergency.
Re-grades: All requests for re-grades must be submitted in writing within one week of the distribution of graded material. Problems requested to be re-graded will be re-graded in their entirety, which could possibly result in a lower score for the requested problem.