******************************************************************************************************* This doc describes the usage of the "code to compute ISPL values" before the clustering stage. Reconfigurable Lab, Electrical And Computer Engineering Department, University of Arizona. ******************************************************************************************************* INSTALLATION AND USAGE: 1. Download the ISPL.zip folder, unzip it. 2. The folder ISPL has the code and a sample input file. 3. In the destination folder, type 'make' 4. Type ./prog (sheel script) to run the code. 5. The output netlength files are written to the folder named 'outp' ******************************************************************************************************* NOTE: 1. The 'tseng.blif' and 'tseng.act' are the sample input files. 2. The sample output netlength file is 'tseng.out'. 3. For using other benchmarks, change the 'star_var' variable's value in the 'prog' file. ******************************************************************************************************* DESCRIPTION OF THE DIFFERENT FILES: tseng.blif:Benchmark circuit to be clustered. This benchmark circuit must have the .blif format. tseng.net: Clustered netlist. The clustered circuit has the .net format used required by the VPR FPGA place and route tool. tseng.act: Activity file. Contains a list of the node names and corresponding switching activity. Can be generated using the Activity estimator (Refer P-T-VPack and ACE activity estimator) tseng.ac2: Output activity file required by the VPR FPGA place and route tool. tseng.fun: Output function file. tseng.out: Output netlength file. This file has the predicted post-placement net length values. *******************************************************************************************************