Contact Informtion

Jian Liu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor,

Engineering Building, Room 221
Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering
The University of Arizona

1-520-621-6548 (Office)

1-520-621-6555 (Fax)


J. Jill Rogers, M.S. Edu

Program Coordinator,
College of Engineering
The University of Arizona

1-217- 512-0202 (Cell)


Dr. Jian Liu is an assistant professor in the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona. Dr Liu's research is in the integration of manufacturing engineering knowledge, control theory and advanced statistics for product quality and productivity improvement. His recent research focuses on system prognostic/diagnostic modeling and analysis and risk management through analyzing massive high-dimensional datasets.Dr. Liu is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) and the Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE).



J. Jill Rogers is program coordinator for ENGR 102 HS at the University of Arizona. ENGR 102 HS is a college level, introductory engineering course offered to high school students. Over the past 15 years she has developed science summer camps, conducted K-12 educational research and developed robotics outreach programs for children’s museums and K-12 schools. Ms. Rogers is a certified teacher and holds a Master’s of Science in Education. She has long been an advocate for improving K-12 STEM education. Her research interest lies in the ways to bring young people particularly under represented populations, into STEM careers.