Email Systems

David MacQuigg – 12/3/09                           Home


Presentations at U of A

Lecture notes can be seen by downloading the ppt file and viewing in PowerPoint.  These are missing from the other formats and from the view in a web browser.

Email_System.ppt – The most important application of computer networks – ECE478

AutonomicTrust.ppt – Autonomic Internet Identity and Reputation System – ECE509

Registry01.ppt – Registry of Public Email Senders – A Secure DNS Database

Email01 { .ppt  .pdf } – Stopping Email Abuse – an Engineer's Perspective – Hatchery for work on the new services.



Older Pages – some needing update


Model Email Service ( .pdf  .htm )  –  plan for an ideal email service based on open-source tools


Email Senders Registry ( .doc  .htm )  –  proposal for a Registry of Public Email Senders


Registry-Notes.htm – additional notes

Objections.htm – objections collected from email discussions

Registry-Home.htm – home page for the new Registry


Stopping Spam - The Low-Tech Alternative – existing methods are all we need.  Start of an article for a general engineering audience.  The editor wanted something more "marketable", hence the alarmist tone.


Email Authentication – encyclopedia article for non-technical readers


Forwarders ( .htm   .pdf  ) – Who do we trust?


DomainRatings.htm – A small sample of SpamCop reports, showing AOL 100 times better than other domains.  It can be done!!


Spam Scenarios.htm – What will the future look like, assuming email authentication works.


Acronyms and Jargon.htm – buzzwords for talking with email security experts.


FUSSP!! - - The Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem  :>)                Regulations.htm – what will happen if we don't fix this problem ourselves.



Technical Documents – some needing update


Python Programs – A collection of programs to implement the proposed services. – Python implementation of CSV


Comparison.htm – Key features and limitations of current authentication methods.


draft-macquigg-authent-IOP.htm – A simple Inter-Operability Protocol allowing different methods to work together. 

        Authentication Headers.htm – Notes which should be integrated into the main doc, or made a separate draft.


draft-macquigg-authent-dns.htm – Email Authentication Records, Addressing the DNS Load Problem


draft-macquigg-authent-QR1.htm – Quick Reject 1, a lightweight authentication method.


draft-macquigg-authent-declare.txt – Email Sender's Declaration of Identity        authent-declare-objections.htm – collected from mailing list discussions

draft-macquigg-authent-declare.rtf – source file




Spam Flows.txt – Diagrams of how spam flows through the internet.  Useful for discussion of proposals.