Interesting Solutions to the Spam Problem

The anti-spam industry is overwhelmed with solutions, most of which are impractical.  The situation is so bad, that experienced anti-spammers just label every new idea as FUSSP – Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem.  This avoids having to think about anything new, but also misses the few good ideas that are out there.

On this page I will collect ideas that I think are interesting – not the final solution, but may be worth doing, or at least worth a good laugh.  For a more serious review of recommended anti-spam measures see  "Stopping Spam: Creating a Stronger, Safer Internet", Report of the Task Force on Spam, Industry Canada, May 2005, .  For a summary of Best Current Practices for Internet Service Providers, see .


Spamish Inquisition – Fight back !!  Put a tarpit on your network.

Zombie-Neuter – If we can't stop the zombies, maybe we can at least neuter them.

Benevolent-Dictator – what would you do if you had the keys to the kingdom?
