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Previous: 2.4 Bit oriented operations Up: 2.4 Bit oriented operations Next: 2.4.2 Bit slicing

2.4.1 Bit indexing

As an example, we will consider the design of a Gray encoder. The following code is a Gray encoder modeled in MyHDL:

def bin2gray(B, G, width):

    """ Gray encoder.


    B -- input intbv signal, binary encoded

    G -- output intbv signal, Gray encoded

    width -- bit width


    """   ###

    while True:            ###

        yield B

        for i in range(width):

  [i] = B[i+1] ^ B[i]

This code introduces a few new concepts. The string in triple quotes at the start of the function is a doc string. This is standard Python practice for structured documentation of code. Moreover, we use a third form of the yield statement: "yield signal".  This specifies that the generator should wait for a signal value change. ###1  This is typically used to describe combinatorial logic. Finally, the code contains bit indexing operations and an exclusive-or operator as required for a Gray encoder. By convention, the lsb of an intbv object has index 0. ###Q1 ###Ex1

To verify the Gray encoder, we write a test bench that prints input and output for all possible input values:

def testBench(width):


    B = Signal(intbv(0))

    G = Signal(intbv(0))


    dut = bin2gray(B, G, width)


    def stimulus():

        for i in range(2**width):

   = intbv(i)

            yield delay(10)

            print "B: " + bin(B, width) + "| G: " + bin(G, width)


    return (dut, stimulus())

We use the conversion function bin to get a binary string representation of the signal values. This function is exported by the myhdl package and complements the standard Python hex and oct conversion functions.

To demonstrate, we set up a simulation for a small width:


The simulation produces the following output:

% python

B: 000 | G: 000

B: 001 | G: 001

B: 010 | G: 011

B: 011 | G: 010

B: 100 | G: 110

B: 101 | G: 111

B: 110 | G: 101

B: 111 | G: 100

StopSimulation: No more events

###1  Moreover, ... wait for a signal value change. -->

Secondly, the yield statement returns a Signal object.  The scheduler uses this object to call the generator whenever there is any change in the signal.

Again, we are avoiding any confusion as to the behavior provided by Python vs MyHDL.



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Release 0.4, documentation updated on February 4, 2004.

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