The Bond Graph Digest

Instructions to Authors

Categories of Contributions

Journal Articles

An author who wishes to publish a journal article in The Bond Graph Digest should write and format the article in the same way as he or she would format an article published in any research journal. Use two-column format, and the IEEE referencing style. Place the resulting postscript file on your own web server.

Extract the abstract from the paper, and reformat it as a HTML file. At the end of the abstract, include a reference to the postscript file using the phrase:

Interested in reading the
    <a href="">
       full paper</a>?
(18 pages, 430278 bytes, postscript)

Full papers should follow the normal conventions for journal papers w.r.t. size and style.

Once this has happened, send an e_mail to the Editor of The Bond Graph Digest at: Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu containing the request to have the article reviewed. Please, don't send the article! Only send the URL of its abstract!

Upon receipt of such a request, the Editor shall forward the e_mail message to two suitable reviewers among the set of current Bond Graphers, asking them to review the article. The reviewers shall communicate with the author by e_mail via the Editor. Once both reviewers have accepted the paper in its current form, the Editor shall include it in the bond graph bibliography, and add it to the table of contents of the next issue of The Bond Graph Digest.

The author is requested to keep the published article on his or her own server. Only the tables of contents are maintained at the server of the Editor.

Short Notes

The format for Short Notes is basically the same as that for Journal Articles, except that the size should be limited to no more than two pages, and no review takes place. As soon as the Editor has been informed of the request to publish a Short Note in The Bond Graph Digest, he shall place the note in the bibliography, and add it to the table of contents of the next issue.

Research Reports

Research Reports can be formatted in any way the author deems suitable, and they can be of arbitrary length. Research Reports are the appropriate place to "publish" Internal Reports, Software Manuals, MS Theses, Ph.D. Dissertations, etc. They are not reviewed. As soon as the Editor has been informed of the request to publish a Research Report in The Bond Graph Digest, he shall place the report in the bibliography, and add it to the table of contents of the next issue.

Discussion of Articles

This category is a specialization of the Short Notes category. Rather than discussing arbitrary points of general interest, an author may wish to write a short essay relating to an article previously published in The Bond Graph Digest. If the Editor receives a request for publishing a discussion, he shall inform the author of the original article to give him or her a chance for a rebuttal. If the original author chooses to write a rebuttal, the Editor shall delay publication of the discussion until the rebuttal has been written as well (assuming the rebuttal arrives within a reasonable time frame of one month).

Book Reviews

A valuable special category of a Short Note is also the Book Review. All newly published books on Bond Graphs should be properly reviewed. When a new book comes out, it will be placed in the bibliography, and the Book Review section of the next issue shall contain a "Call for Review" invitation. More than one review can be published for every new book appearing in press.