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Interested in joining my research group?

I look for students with backgrounds and interests mainly in reconfigurable computing and high performance computing areas.

  • On software side I am looking for candidates who are interested in developing:
    • parallel programs for emerging many-core architectures
    • run time and compile time profiler tools for heterogenous architectures
    • resource management strategies from SoC to datacenter scale
  • On the hardware side I am looking for candidates who are interested in developing:
    • adaptive hardware architectures
    • reconfigurable systems

  • Students applying to UofA for M.S. or Ph.D.
    • Please apply directly to the university and the department. Please do not contact me about admissions questions or ask me to evaluate your application for admission or financial support - I will ignore them.
    • If you are a prospective graduate student with prior background (projects, courses, work experience) in high performance computing systems and/or reconfigurable computing then send a brief email to me with a resume as plain text or PDF file attachments.


  • Graduate students already at UofA
    If you are already at UofA and want to explore joining my research group, then come and talk to me. Usually I consider taking students only after they have been at UofA for a semester or two so that I have some concrete basis to evaluate your performance.
  • Undergraduate students at UofA
    I do take undergraduate student researchers in my lab as summer interns, and as research aides. I only consider students who have a solid GPA, some advanced undergraduate coursework in relevant topics and preferably some project experience. Usually the best time to start is as you enter your final year of undergraduate studies.
  • Post-doctoral researchers
    Contact me if you wish to explore post-doc opportunities. You must have a Ph.D. in EE,CE or CS, a high-quality dissertation with a good set of publications, excellent written and oral communication skills, and seeking a post-doc to do new research.

General | CVResearch | Teaching